Chum Egg Takes, 2011 Coho Return.

Altogether this fall there have been four chum egg takes for Mossom Creek Hatchery broodstock.  One was on Mossom, and three have occurred on the Alouette River.  Big thanks to all the Centennial students, community volunteers and our Fisheries and Oceans Canada experts Sandie and Scott for their assistance.  We now have over 100,000 chum eggs […]

The Chum Are Back. Egg Take Planned!

The wait is over.  Chum have returned to Mossom Creek, no doubt encouraged by recent rain events and the consequent higher water level in the stream.   Only a  few spawners have been spotted in the lower reaches of the creek so far.  Yet we have had encouraging reports of some chum venturing much farther upstream than we have hitherto seen them do […]

Beach Seining: How it’s done.

Watch the ‘What Swims Beneath’ crew as they conduct a beach seine at Reed Point in Port Moody Arm and see what they caught!

Breeding Male Sharpnose Sculpin Video

This male sharpnose sculpin was captured in Port Moody Arm on January 25th during a beach seine as part of the What Swims Beneath project.  Much to our surprise this particular fish displayed its genital papilla when handled.

What Swims Beneath

Port Moody, at the end of Burrard Inlet, is a place that is rich in natural assets. From lush coastal mountains to a beautiful and productive marine waterfront, the residents of Port Moody have a lot to be proud of! But there has been something a little unusual in the Arm during the summer and […]