BIMES 2014 AGM President’s Address

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Annual General Meeting, President’s Address:

Things certainly have changed in two months. Less than two months ago, I posted a letter on our website. It was a brief year in review, as well as, it had some things to look forward too. Some of the items that were to happen this coming year include repairing the rock weirs to restore the spawning beds on the lower reaches of Mossom Creek, achieving charitable status, the development of the OCP with its effects on Mossom and the larger community, and the start of our pink salmon program.

Since then we have had the fire which we are too well aware. All the things above should still happen this year, at least this is my hope, except for the pink salmon program as they do not return to the Lower Mainland in even-numbered years. So, there is all that and we have to build a new building. No big deal!

It is clear that we as a group and the community around us are resolved to get our ‘hatchery’ rebuilt. We haven’t even begun a formal fundraising campaign and we have over $40,000 donated in cash, in-kind, and materials. I am sure my number is low, but it still tells the truth. From our preliminary drawings from Gaetan, the building we are imagining will cost about $1.1 MILLION! We have a lot of fundraising to do to get this building rebuilt! I know we can. The problem that I laugh at is the chicken and egg standoff: We need a budget to build and fundraise, but we need to fundraise to budget for the build! This is will be an ongoing challenge as we adjust our design to suit our budget as we fundraise and collect ‘cash’.

Also, in today’s meeting will be expanding our directorship. This expansion is necessary to spread out the work load not just amongst the original seven directors but to the four new positions. But, there are some people that will not be given directorships that I wish to acknowledge because of their amazing work since the fire. These people are (in no particular order) Neil Laffra, Coleen Hackinen, Caroline Mullan, Gaetan Royer, and Patty Anderson. I would love to make you all directors with BIMES but we simply can’t do that. So, please help me thank these individuals for their great efforts so far. I know that you will continue to help us during our crisis. And please help me thank everyone else who has helped in their own big or small way since our fire.

This is a very exciting time for BIMES and all of our supporters. We have SO MUCH work ahead of us, but what an opportunity! It is my sincerest hope that BIMES will be able to recreate the hatchery and education facility that is unrivalled in its sense of place, architecture, and purpose.

Thank you kindly,

Kyle Pilon

President, Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society

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