special projects

Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society

While you can find us at Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre every Sunday, we also work on special projects around the Burrard Inlet. Below are a few of the research and stewardship projects we’ve been up to this year.

SPECIAL projects

Coho Pitt Tagging Project

We've partnered with Dr. Scott Hinch at UBC, who is the principal investigator of the Pacific Salmon Ecology Conservation Lab,...

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Coho Tagging Project

We've partnered with Dr. Scott Hinch at UBC, who is the principal investigator of the Pacific Salmon Ecology Conservation Lab,...

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Camera Project

camera project wildlife cameras Mossom Creek and its surrounding watershed is a healthy intact ecosystem that has an abundance of...

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Road Salt and Salmon

We've partnered with Dr. Scott Hinch at UBC, who is the principal investigator of the Pacific Salmon Ecology Conservation Lab,...

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Bioblitz 2023

In late spring, grad students, community members, and scientists got together for an intense study of the watershed's biodiversity.

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Accessibility Project

In May 2023, the Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre was awarded the Gold Accessibility Certification from the Rick Hansen...

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