school programs
We provide field trips and in-school programs for preschool to grade 12 students, designed to complement the new BC Education Curriculum. To learn more about programs for your school group, check out our program descriptions here. Please contact us if you would like to discuss programs suitable for your community group or school.
If you’ve already been in touch and are ready to register for a school program, click here.

Community Hatchery
For more than 47 years the Mossom Creek Hatchery site has been a place for students to assist with salmonid enhancement activities. We now have a thriving and active hatchery program that is managed by community volunteers as part of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP). If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact us about regular weekday feeding opportunities.
salmon sunday
One of our longest-standing programs has been our Salmon Sunday volunteer program. Join us any Sunday, rain or shine, to visit the Mossom Creek Centre and help out with odd jobs, and learn about watershed stewardship and fish culture. The hatchery is located at the end of Mossom Creek Drive (up the 1 km gravel road). The gate is open each Sunday from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. We welcome visitors, casual and regular volunteers. A great Sunday activity for friends and family, young and old!

SPECIAL projects
The Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society (BIMES) is involved in several research projects and other special projects that help increase our understanding of our local ecosystem and contribute to the wider body of scientific knowledge around Pacific salmon and their habitat. Here are a few highlights from the past year.