Demolition after the fire – the end and the beginning.

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On Thursday January 23rd, demolition of the remains of Mossom Creek Hatchery and Education Centre began.

In order to facilitate the work, we ran a new supply line to the Coho rearing tubs, plumbing in the replacement settling tank at the same time.  Many thanks to our technician Scott Ducharme and Community Advisor Sandie Hollick-Kenyon for their time, advice and labour, as well as sourcing supplies and materials.  Our remaining Coho now have a secure source of water until their release in the Spring.

Pacific Blasting is performing the demolition work for us, sorting out the metals for recycling and removing the remainder of the debris.  Super Save has provided the bins necessary for transporting the material off site.  Both of these companies have provided their services at a significant cost savings to us.  Thank you.

Concrete removal is currently under way on the slab and foundation, determined to have been too badly damaged by the fire to reuse.  All material removed from the site will be recycled as much as possible.  This portion of the project should be completed by the end of Monday January 27th.

hatchery demolition

George Assaf, Vice President of Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society and Operations Chair for the Mossom Creek Hatchery Rebuilding Project (Photo credit: Neil Laffra)


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