Spring Workshops Announced

We are excited to announce two new workshops this spring; aimed at helping our students and future leaders understand the challenges of climate change and the importance of understanding traditional ecological knowledge. As we target climate change science, students will explore the connections between observable weather and historical climate patterns as we look at glaciers, […]

BIMES Annual General Meeting Announced

We will be holding our AGM on April 16, 2020 at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) and we are looking for individuals interested in joining our board. We are always looking for volunteers who can bring new ideas, energy and skills to make sure BIMES continues to provide leading edge environmental activity in a […]

Water Quality Monitoring at Mossom

Thanks to a generous donation from the Mattson Family, in honour of Jim Mattson, water quality testing and monitoring of Mossom Creek has taken place every Salmon Sunday since October 13, 2019.  We also started monitoring North Schoolhouse Creek in early December and are excited about the addition of a new water quality station at […]

Kevin Ryan awarded the 2019 City of Port Moody Environmental Award

  KUDOS TO KEVIN! We are celebrating because our president, Kevin Ryan, was recently awarded the 2019 City of Port Moody Environmental Award. Kevin Ryan had only been a volunteer with the Mossom Creek Hatchery for a year when he put his name forward to be president of the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society in […]

A Cougar for Mossom Creek Education Centre

  In 43 years no volunteer at Mossom has ever seen a cougar in the watershed. Yet about once a month we record one on the trail cams placed in the forest. Several years ago, we let the BC Conservation Service know that if a cougar has to be destroyed somewhere in the province we […]

Salmon news for the new year

A small group from Mossom went up to Squamish in September to assist in a Pink salmon egg take. Pink salmon spawn once every two years, and this is the year. Our portion of the eggs was determined to be 50,000 and these eggs remained in Squamish until they became eyed in December, at which […]

Salmon Sunday Speaker Series: Dr. Scott Hinch

  Join us this Sunday to hear from our special guest Dr. Scott Hinch, who leads the Pacific Salmon Ecology and Conservation Laboratory at UBC. We are excited to announce we will have a very special Salmon Sunday guest speaker, Dr. Scott Hinch, visiting Mossom Creek Hatchery on Sept 15th at 2 pm. Dr. Hinch […]

TD Friends grant helps Mossom

A recent grant from the Burnaby-TriCities TD Friends of the Environment Foundation helped the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society and their Mossom Creek Hatchery develop and deliver aboriginal content for its school field trip programs and create meaningful community interactions at our weekly Salmon Sundays and at several festivals in Port Moody. We are grateful […]

Salmon Sunday Speaker Series

Join us for our Salmon Sunday Speaker Series at Mossom Creek Hatchery. These free events are open to the public and will take place after our Salmon Sunday volunteer hours. The Hatchery is open from 11:00-1:30 every Sunday and then from 1:30-2:30 on days when we have a Sunday speaker. See you there!   Introduction to […]

Project Wild Workshop for K-grade 12 Educators

Pro-D Day Workshop Date: April 20, 2018 Time: 9:30am-2:30pm Place: Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre Cost: $35 Workshop: Professional Project Wild presenter, activity guide (121 activities), includes lunch Project Wild: https://hctfeducation.ca/product/project-wild/  Project WILD is an interdisciplinary environmental education program for formal and non-formal educators of young people. The goal of Project WILD is to […]