Kevin Ryan awarded the 2019 City of Port Moody Environmental Award

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We are celebrating because our president, Kevin Ryan, was recently awarded the 2019 City of Port Moody Environmental Award.

Kevin Ryan had only been a volunteer with the Mossom Creek Hatchery for a year when he put his name forward to be president of the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society in the spring of 2017. In a very short time, he has made many positive changes to the organization. Most outstanding among his accomplishments has been his work to build a solid partnership between Mossom and the Noons Creek Hatchery so that each can support the other. In particular, it was his initiative to convene all the stakeholders involved in using the Eagle Mountain trails with those who are the stewards of the watersheds of Mossom and Noons. He brought municipal, provincial and federal staff into these cordial meetings and achieved increased awareness and cooperation by trail users, improved signage on Eagle Mountain and the closure of problematic trails. He formed a group, the Eagle Mountain Stewards, affectionately dubbed the ‘Watershed Warriors’, made up of volunteers from both hatcheries.

Kevin has been a key participant in the formation of the Salmon in the City initiative to bring habitat improvements to a neglected portion of Mossom Creek in the form of additional coho rearing habitat and chum spawning habitat.
Kevin volunteers many hours a week to keep the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society running smoothly. A primary focus has been the recruitment of volunteers specifically suited to the particular needs of the organization. He has engaged the executives of Port Vancouver, Seaspan Marine, Lafarge, and the International Union of Operating Engineers to discuss partnerships and garner in-kind and monetary support. Kevin was able to secure an incredible donation of roadbed material, heavy machinery operation and expertise in order to completely rebuild the deteriorating 1 km gravel road leading to the Mossom Creek Hatchery. This was overseen by the City of Port Moody’s engineering department.

He has overseen the Salmon Sunday afternoon speaker series which has brought a range of speakers to the facility including speakers on beekeeping, the importance of estuaries, knots to know, a marine mammal expedition, first aid, and local First Nation artifacts.

Kevin has strongly supported and encouraged Mossom’s newest initiative, Buttfree BC, headed by 12-year-old Aniela Guzikowski and her mother Vicki. He is an active member of this awareness campaign to stimulate behaviour change. Cigarette butt waste is toxic to the marine environment and not yet widely recognized as the source of much of the micro-plastic pollution in the ocean.

Congratulations and thanks, Kevin!

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