TD Friends grant helps Mossom

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A recent grant from the Burnaby-TriCities TD Friends of the Environment Foundation helped the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society and their Mossom Creek Hatchery develop and deliver aboriginal content for its school field trip programs and create meaningful community interactions at our weekly Salmon Sundays and at several festivals in Port Moody.

We are grateful for a $3,500 grant which supported aboriginal-focused curriculum development; connections with school district aboriginal education resource persons; staff training; program delivery; and the acquisition of books and props.

Over the years, TD FEF has made a difference to the quality of the programming and stewardship work that Mossom and it’s volunteers can do. The foundation gave a $5,000 grant to support our 2017 BioBlitz project, which helped us identify hundreds of native species and allowed regular citizens to interact with scientists and nature experts during the study. As far back as the 90’s, TD was helping us to purchase binoculars and class sets of field guides. It’s contributions like these that help create meaningful learning opportunities for kids, families and volunteers that visit our education centre.

Toronto-Dominion Friends of the Environment Foundation has been there when we’ve needed help and for that we’d like to say THANK YOU!


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Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.