Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.

2023 BIMES AGM – Thursday April 13 @ & PM (ZOOM Meeting)

AGM WEDNESDAY APRIL 13th at 7 PM Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom Topic: BIIMES/Mossom AGM Time: Apr 13, 2022, 07:00 PM Vancouver Agenda: mossom-2023-agm-agenda (click to download a pdf copy) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88480410308?pwd=OVFteUhaRGszdFRqUTVWRGJwTk9IUT09  All members are welcome to attend. There will be a special presentation by Prof. Scott Hinch on the Coho […]

Tru Earth Fundraiser for Mossom!

We’re absolutely thrilled to have partnered with a local, environmentally conscientious company, Tru Earth, on a new and exciting fundraising project! 20% of purchases made through Mossom’s personalized fundraiser link will go directly to help fund and support our efforts to protect pacific salmon as well as the important work of our water quality monitoring […]

Mossom Creek Hatchery and Education Centre becomes the first fish hatchery in Canada and first site in Port Moody B.C. to achieve top accessibility rating

Mossom Creek Hatchery and Education Centre becomes the first fish hatchery in Canada and first site in Port Moody B.C. to achieve top accessibility rating (This meedia release is from the Rick Hansen Foundation website) Port Moody hatchery receives Gold Rating through the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification(TM) program • Mossom Creek Hatchery is the […]

Oct 21st Pro-D Day Workshop for Educators

Oct 21st Pro D Workshop for Teachers and Educators Location: Mossom Creek Hatchery Port Moody Mossom Hatchery and Education Center is offering a free ½ day session led by Shelley Frick and Ruth Foster. This workshop is targeted for all Pre K, Elementary and Middle School grades. Note: Mossom also offers environmental education for high […]

Join Us on National Indigenous Peoples Day

Join us on Tuesday, June 21 (2022) to recognize and celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day! Mossom Creek Hatchery will be hosting a morning open house and serving tea and bannock by the creek between 8 am and 11:30 am. Start your NIPD off with a visit to Mossom Creek and enjoy the beauty of the […]


2022 BIMES (Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society /Mossom Creek Hatchery AGM WEDNESDAY APRIL 20th  7pm Meeting will be held virtually on Zoom Topic: BIIMES/Mossom AGM Time: Apr 20, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81882289281?pwd=Ykk4czQyOTlDU211ZlB4VzVJS29ZZz09 All members are welcome to attend.  Approval for financial report and new board of directors will be voted in.  Anyone interested […]

Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for help in the following areas. Water Quality Data Logger management We have 4 Water Temperature Data loggers installed by DFO. These need to be inspected monthly and data uploaded to cell phone and sent to DFO. Volunteer training available for this very important task. Simple, interesting work can be done at […]

2021 Year End Message

As we say goodbye to 2021 and hope for a better year in 2022, we want to express our appreciation to our Mossom Creek volunteers. We especially thank our core volunteers who faithfully handled all the necessary work week after week over the past year in all kinds of weather. Mossom was closed to the […]