Hatchery Volunteers Visit Port Moody Council

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On Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 at Port Moody City Hall, Ruth Foster took the podium before Council to update them on our progress, and primarily to express the gratitude of the Mossom community for the City’s immediate and ongoing generosity in funding, material, and general support to the aim of getting back up on our feet and to the rebuilding venture.

“This is (Mossom Creek Hatchery’s) first public opportunity to express our deep gratitude for the many ways the City has assisted us since fire destroyed our facility on December 11th It was, of course, no surprise to us that the City has stepped up in every way possible as this has been the relationship we have appreciated for the past 37 years.”

Ruth went on to detail the many ways that the City of Port Moody has assisted the Hatchery since the fire on December 11th, 2013, including, meeting space, a generous $10,000 contribution that will go towards immediate needs such as restoring power to the site, a temporary trailer, and much help from City staff. Also the work that has been done with the Port Moody Foundation to accept and provide tax receipts for donations coming in for the rebuilding efforts.

“It has become abundantly clear to us, more than ever before, that this is a community that values green spaces and appreciates stewardship volunteers and the watersheds that they work to protect. Please stay tuned as we move forward in our planning towards a wonderful new nature centre and hatchery in the forest of the Mossom Creek watershed. ”

port moody council

To read Ruth’s full speech click here.


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