BC Hydro presents grant for rebuild project
A special gathering of available executive committee was held today to greet Steve Higgenbottom of BC Hydro on the occasion of a very generous donation handover to the rebuild fund for the Mossom Creek Hatchery.
Pleasantside Fundraises for Rebuild
A snowy day at Mossom brought us some young visitors from the Pleasantside Elementary Environmental Club who recently raised $79.11 from popcorn sales for rebuilding the hatchery. They also delivered logo’ed safety vests and hard hats donated by the Raider-Hansen company. It was only a few hours after Canada’s gold medal in men’s hockey and […]
Hatchery Volunteers Visit Port Moody Council
On Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 at Port Moody City Hall, Ruth Foster took the podium before Council to update them on our progress, and primarily to express the gratitude of the Mossom community for the City’s immediate and ongoing generosity in funding, material, and general support to the aim of getting back up on our […]
Progress! Port Moody delivers temporary trailer to Mossom Hatchery.
Progress! Today the City of Port Moody delivered a construction trailer to Mossom Creek so that we will have a temporary headquarters. What a wonderful way to assist us! On Sunday a core group of volunteers attended a very productive visioning meeting to determine what our needs and wants are as we consider the rebuilding […]
Beach Seining: How it’s done.
Watch the ‘What Swims Beneath’ crew as they conduct a beach seine at Reed Point in Port Moody Arm and see what they caught!
What Swims Beneath
Port Moody, at the end of Burrard Inlet, is a place that is rich in natural assets. From lush coastal mountains to a beautiful and productive marine waterfront, the residents of Port Moody have a lot to be proud of! But there has been something a little unusual in the Arm during the summer and […]