Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.

Join us for Forest School Camp this March!

The team at Salmon Forest are piloting a Forest School Camp at Mossom Creek! Starting this spring, the camp is geared towards children from Kindergarten to Grade 3. The Salmon Forest team will be hosting an info session in a couple of weeks and we’d love you to join us! We’ll have hot drinks and […]

Anmore South – proposed OCP Amendment

icona properties presentation and Proposed Anmore OCP amendment As an environmental organization that has been working in the Anmore area for 48 years, we would like to provide the Village of Anmore with formal comments on the recent icona Properties presentation and the proposed OCP amendment that would change the land use designation for Anmore […]

2023 Year End Message

Mossom 2023 Year End Message As we reflect on the year we have just traversed together, we think with immense gratitude of the community members who see the value of what we do at Mossom and are able contribute volunteer time or donations or share our stewardship message. Without strong community support we could not […]

Living With Wildlife

Recent cougar sightings are an opportunity to learn how to coexist with wildlife and reduce human conflicts.

Volunteer with us! Mossom Creek needs your help.

The Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society is an active and engaged society that welcomes volunteers. We’d love to match your skills and interests with a meaningful volunteer opportunity.

Pro-D Day Workshop

Join us on Friday, October 20 for a FREE Pro-D Day Workshop at Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre. Learn about unique hands-on education programs and discuss ideas to take learning outside the classroom!  Download the flyer (pdf)Download the flyer (pdf) Register here, or email programs@mossomcreek.org.