Volunteer with us! Mossom Creek needs your help.

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Thank you to our members, supporters, and the community for contributing to our organization throughout the year. There’s seldom a Sunday when we don’t have dozens of friendly volunteers show up to help plant trees, weed our native plant garden, participate in fish care, and offer help in a myriad of other ways. So thank you for showing up again and again — we couldn’t do it without you!

2024 Volunteer Opportunities

The Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society is an active and engaged society that welcomes volunteers. We’d love to match your skills and interests with a meaningful volunteer opportunity.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send a message to info@mossomcreek.org or talk to any of our directors. We are grateful to our regular volunteers and to those who can step in from time to time to help! Here is where we need volunteer help:

  • Sunday open house greeting & tours
  • Operations & general maintenance
  • Hatchery and fish duties
  • Plumbing & Mechanical
  • Communication IT, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Admin manage and organize files on one drive
  • Education program support
  • Spawning reporting project
  • Water quality testing
  • Salmon Sunday support (food/supplies)


We are happy to train anyone interested in any of these areas.

Board Member Recruitment

We have a working board so our directors are actively involved in the operational activities. If you are interested in a 2024 board position and have some of these skills to contribute, please reach out to Kevin Ryan, BIMES President at kevin_ryan@telus.net.

  • Financial, Governance,
  • Membership, Grant writing
  • Administration support
  • Youth representative
  • Science & research support and project coordination


As we wind down 2023, please remember that the coffee is always on and visitors are welcome!

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Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.