Project Wild Workshop for K-grade 12 Educators

Pro-D Day Workshop Date: April 20, 2018 Time: 9:30am-2:30pm Place: Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre Cost: $35 Workshop: Professional Project Wild presenter, activity guide (121 activities), includes lunch Project Wild:  Project WILD is an interdisciplinary environmental education program for formal and non-formal educators of young people. The goal of Project WILD is to […]

Free Talk: Beavers in Port Moody!

Mossom Hatchery and Education Center is hosting a talk about beavers and how they interact and live  in cities.  We have living proof right in our own backyard with the beavers who are building dams in Klahanie and Suterbrook area. Location:  Mossom Creek Education Centre Date:   Sunday Feb 18th Time:   1 – 2 pm Presented […]

2017 highlights to ring in the new year!

 2017 was an amazing year for the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhanement Society and our many Awesome Mossom Creek Hatchery volunteers!  Thanks to all those that have supported us throughout the year.  (photos and captions generously compiled by Ruth Foster) Neil Laffra, our hatchery manager and vice-president is awarded the 2016 City of Port Moody Environmental […]

Volunteer Assistant Hatchery Manager Needed

Every year Mossom Creek Hatchery works with local volunteers to raise salmon and support BC’s wild salmon runs.  This important work has been ongoing for 41 years and has contributed to the re-establishment of healthy runs of coho, chum and pink salmon to the Burrard Inlet area. Be a part of our volunteer team! We […]

The Mossom Creek BioBlitz was a tremendous success

The Mossom Creek BioBlitz, which kicked off on August 18th, 2017, was the first of its kind in the Tri-Cities. The event provided local residents with valuable interactions with local nature and an opportunity to bring scientists together from across the Lower Mainland for an intense period biological study in the Mossom Creek Watershed and surrounding area. […]

Celebrating 40 years!

This September marks 40 years of stream stewardship and education at Mossom Creek Hatchery! It was the fall of 1976 that teachers Ruth Foster and Rod MacVicar embarked on a student project that would inspire 40 years of hands on environmental work by thousands of students and community volunteers. Together, we’ve made incredible progress restoring and protecting Port […]

Our Heroes of 2015

For 40 years Mossom Creek has seen dedicated students and volunteers show up and help make a difference on a local creek and the surrounding watershed that feeds into the Port Moody Arm of the Burrard Inlet.  The Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society is grateful for the generous support that has helped build and then rebuild […]

Give the gift of membership this year.

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Can you help Mossom? These students did!

Video made by Heritage Woods students could help the Port Moody hatchery win $10,000 to continue education work. Diane Strandberg / Tri City News October 28, 2015 11:16 AM   You can cast votes to help hatchery win $10k award Mossom Creek Hatchery is getting a helping hand from some Heritage Woods secondary students in a […]

Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society hatches a new education centre

For Immediate Release                                                        Port Moody, BC – May 20, 2015 Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society hatches a new education centre After 17 months of planning and construction, the newly built Mossom Creek Hatchery & Education Centre, is set to open its doors this week. A fire in December 2013 completely destroyed the hatchery building and […]