Port Moody Mayor and Council Tour the Mossom Watershed

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On Sunday May 19th, our volunteers were delighted to host a tour for the Mayor and Council of the City of Port Moody.  First they visited  Mossom Creek Hatchery itself which is located in Mossom Creek Park, Port Moody, adjacent to Bert Flynn Park.  At the hatchery they were introduced to this year’s coho fry and also to the coho smolts that we will be releasing to the ocean in a week after a short stint in the sea pens. Later they went on a guided walk of the forested areas nearby.  It was a beautiful day and the mature forest was a glowing green.  We walked on deer trails and encountered a provincially blue-listed Pacific Tailed Frog.  We saw the steep ravine area which is the proposed crossing for the David Avenue extension.

the mature forest of the Mossom watershed May 19 council tour 2013

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Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.