PHOENIX OF MOSSOM CREEK – after the fire

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A video chronicling the rebuild of the Mossom Creek Hatchery

After the December 11, 2013 fire destroyed everything that we had built up over 37 years, there were many kind and generous offers of assistance from the community.  One was from award-winning documentary film maker Eva Wunderman.   Starting just days after the fire and until our new facility was completed sixteen months later, Eva filmed the rebuild process.

The resulting video helps us to acknowledge the many construction partners big and small who so readily gave of their materials and their expertise and also to celebrate the many other individuals, groups and businesses that played a role in getting us back on our fins.  We are grateful for the contributions of hundreds of partners and supporters that each played a role in the success of the new construction. After the construction, Port of Vancouver stepped in to provide 3 year grant funding that has generously supported operations and programming for 3 years and allowed thousands of kids to actively participate in outdoor nature programs at the education centre.

This film also showcases the tremendous work of volunteers, including construction manager, Pat Dennett.  Without his wisdom, determination and tremendous hard work, our new facility would not have been rebuilt.

Thank you, Eva, for creating a lasting record of a strange and strangely wonderful time in the history of the Mossom Creek Hatchery.  Like the mythical Phoenix, Mossom has risen from its ashes to become a stronger and better facility than it was.

evaP.S. Encouragement came in many forms. Not long after the fire, as we worked out of a construction trailer donated by the City of Port Moody, local artist and author Joyelle Brandt presented hatchery volunteers with her original and very symbolic painting, Phoenix Fish Rising.


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