Help us say no to DFO funding cuts

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This past year, Mossom Creek Hatchery celebrated 40 years of stewardship work that brought wild salmon back to Mossom Creek and other streams at the head of Burrard Inlet. This incredible effort relied on a unique partnership between hard-working volunteers and the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP).

On Friday May 26, BIMES members and others in the salmon conservation community started hearing rumours about funding cuts within SEP. This includes the elimination of fisheries technicians that advise on everyday hatchery operations, the winding down of the Resource Restoration Unit that focuses on freshwater habitat restoration projects, and the cancellation of the community coordinators who manage the Salmonids in the Classroom program providing hands on stewardship opportunities for 30,000 elementary school students each year.

These DFO are undermining the tremendously valuable volunteer efforts of thousands of Pacific Streamkeepers who have worked for 40 years to bring salmon back to local creeks and rivers across our Province.

We are asking you, our members and supporters, to send a message to our Federal Government that DFO cannot turn its back on these programs that support wild salmon and their freshwater habitat.

How can you help:
#1: Pick up a pen and paper and write your local MP, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Dominic LeBlanc and Prime Minister Trudeau. No stamp needed! 
#2: Spread the word by showing your support on social media. Take a photo of your letter or post a message of support to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and include our handle @mossomcreek in your message.
#3: Join us on World Oceans Day, June 8th, to share the message that wild salmon need our help not only at sea but also in the crucial early and late life stages in freshwater. (more details to come)

Thanks for your support.


Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society

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