Give the gift of membership this year.

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Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society volunteers have been offering hands on stewardship and education activities in the Port Moody area for almost 40 years.

This year give your family and friends the gift of stewardship and local environmental education with a Membership to the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society. Membership to BIMES directly supports conservation, stewardship and education initiatives in the Burrard Inlet area and provides many benefits to members.

You can give a yearly individual, yearly family or lifetime gift membership.

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 Yearly individual or family Gift Memberships.

  • Membership starts immediately and for the entire 2016 calendar year.
  • Benefits include access to weekly Salmon Sunday volunteer activities, yearly egg takes and releases, as well as 2-3 educational talks and events throughout the year.
  • All Gift Memberships will receive an email confirmation of their new membership, with a personalized greeting from you to the recipient.
  • Family memberships are $10, individual memberships are $5.

Individual Lifetime Gift Membership.

  • Membership starts immediately and lasts a lifetime. We have lifetime members as young as 9 years old and all the way to 80+!
  • Benefits include access to weekly Salmon Sunday volunteer activities, yearly egg takes and releases, as well as 2-3 educational talks and events throughout the year.
  • Lifetime members will have their name added to our lifetime membership list, displayed in the education centre.
  • All Lifetime Gift Memberships receive a handmade Mossom Creek card and a personalized email confirmation. Handmade Mossom Creek cards can be picked up at the hatchery on Sunday, December 6th, 13th or 20th between 11am and 1:30pm. (email if you need more details)
  • Individual Lifetime memberships are $100.

Click here to purchase a gift membership now.


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Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.