Moody Middle Delivers!

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cobbsbreadThanks to a dedicated group of Moody Middle Leadership Students, we are $785 closer to our rebuild goals!  Students participating in the Me to We program sold Cobbs Bread scones to raise money for the hatchery.  We are so proud of their efforts and that their heart are with Mossom Creek Hatchery and the effort to rebuild this local environmental resource!

Griffin Andersen is pictured left with Melissa from Cobbs Bread.  Cobbs has extended the fundraiser by offering ad additional 5% cash back to Mossom Creek for all in store sales made this month.  Just mention Mossom Creek when you visit the Sutterbrook, Port Moody location.

Pictured below are Mossom Creek volunteers with Chloe H.  Not only did she sell the most scones for this fundraiser, but she visited us on her birthday and donated her birthday money to the rebuild project.  We are touched and overwhelmed by what good citizens we have in the TriCity area!



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Enchantment of Crows

Join us on June 7 for an evening presentation by ornithologist, author and artist, Dr. Rob Butler, celebrating the intelligence and sagacity of crows.