It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week – we appreciate our volunteers!

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We hope all our Mossom friends are keeping active and staying safe.

This is Volunteer Appreciation Week, the week dedicated to celebrating amazing volunteers all across Canada, we salute you and your valued contributions to Mossom.

Visitors from other countries are often surprised by the characteristic generosity and kindness of Canadians. One way we show this is through our volunteering. We are a society of volunteers.

We are blessed at Mossom to have great volunteers who provide the support that keeps our organization running. Our board of directors provides guidance and energy which enables Mossom Hatchery and Education Centre to operate. There are those wonderful faithful volunteers who each take a day of the week to feed and care for our salmon. There are those with special skills such as carpentry, construction, technology, and gardening. There is our education team which provides world-class environmental programs for our school field trips. There is our core group of energetic young volunteers who perform the weekly chemical tests required for our new stream water quality testing program. And there are the many volunteers young and old who love visiting on Sundays, eager and happy to take on whatever chores need doing and who always enjoy the baked treats and other goodies.

We who volunteer at Mossom actually get more than we give. We meet new people, develop new friendships, and share ideas. We learn so much about environmental issues in the discussions we have.

As we all try to stickhandle our lives through these challenging times, we look forward to the time when our lives will return to some level of normal and we can again celebrate nature together.

We have set up a weekly video conference to keep in contact with our Mossom family and we welcome anyone who would like to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be included in these casual chats.

Stay safe and know that we care about you.

Thank you for all you do.

Kevin Ryan  –
Mossom Creek Hatchery

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