Civic Award to Pat Dennett

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(Volunteer Construction Manager, Pat Dennett has been awarded the Exemplary Civic Service Award by the City of Port Moody. The following is an extract from  Acting Mayor Diana Dilworth’s speech announcing the award at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Mossom Creek Hatchery on May 21, 2015).

“In 2012, the City created an Exemplary Civic Service Award,  intended to recognize an individual that has contributed in a significant way to the current and future well-being of Port Moody and its residents by showing extraordinary leadership, initiative, commitment and commendable effort. I’m especially thrilled to be presenting this award today, for only the second time in its history, to Mr. Pat Dennett.

Very shortly after that very sad day in December 2013, Pat stepped forward to volunteer his skills as construction manager for the rebuild of our hatchery. I’m not sure if even he knew exactly what he was getting into.

Since that day, and on a daily basis, Pat’s contribution has been nothing short of extraordinary. We can see evidence in front of us of his accomplishments. But what many don’t see is the tremendous amount of time and energy and commitment he expended behind the construction scenes.

Overcoming the challenges of dealing with a very complicated insurance claim, putting together a budget when he didn’t know how much money would be available for the project, liaising with the over 50 construction partners and in-kind supporters, negotiating with the City and with Imperial Oil for access, and ensuring that the project adhered to the highest standards of environmental excellence. These are just a few of the roles that he took on.

As a community volunteer, Pat has contributed, as our best guess, over $200,000 in-kind in construction management services. He has helped to secure approximately $250,000 in donated materials, equipment, and labour, all through his far-reaching contacts in the construction industry.

And the City of Port Moody is proudly recognizing his extraordinary contribution to our community with the presentation of our Exemplary Civic Service Award. Very well deserved Mr. Dennett!

The City couldn’t see a more fitting time or place to show our appreciation for Pat’s role in the phoenix rising from the ashes we are witnessing here today.”


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